




Human capital is the single most important asset in any business, and human resources 专业人士负责保护这些资产. 这是100%在线人力资源 培训 course will prepare you for the 专业 in Human 资源 (PHR) and Associate 专业 in Human 资源 (aPHR) certification exams offered by the 人力资源认证协会(HRCI). 您还将准备通过认证 专业(SHRM-CP)考试. 完成课程后,你将完全具备晋升的条件 your career as a certified Human 资源 专业 in only six months.



美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates an 8% job growth for human resources specialists and a slightly higher rate of growth for those in management roles. 这 会在未来8年增加33000个工作岗位吗. 中位数 human resources specialist salary is nearly $62,000, with top earners making more 每年超过10.5万美元.



  • Learn industry-recognized practices that align with the Human Resource Certification 美国人力资源管理学会(HRCI)和美国人力资源管理学会(SHRM).
  • Be fully prepared for the 专业 in Human 资源 or the Associate 专业 HRCI的人力资源认证. 您还将为认证做好准备 人力资源管理协会的专业认证.
  • Understand human resources practices and valuable skills related to recruitment and 培训.
  • 获得就业法律法规的基础知识.
  • Develop retention initiatives and best practices for strategic decision making.
  • Learn strategies for implementing retention initiatives, remote work, and Diversity, 公平和包容(DEI)考虑.



修这门课程没有特定的先决条件. 然而,HRCI要求 that you meet one of the following criteria in order to sit for PHR certification:

  • A minimum of one (1) year of experience in a professional level HR position with a 硕士及以上学历.
  • A minimum of two (2) years of experience in a professional level HR position with 学士学位.
  • A minimum of four (4) years of experience in a professional level HR position with 少于学士学位.
  • 参加apr考试不需要人力资源经验. 你需要一所高中 文凭,但你不需要任何额外的教育.
  • Similarly, no HR experience or degree is required for the SHRM-CP exam; however, a basic working knowledge of HR practices and principles or a degree from a SHRM Academically 建议使用一致的程序.


  • 人力资源概论 - Learn about opportunities in the HR field and the skills you will need for success.    
  • 人力资源在战略中的作用 - Learn how to create compelling vision and mission statements, policies, and metrics 以商业策略为基础.   
  • 反歧视行动 - Learn the full spectrum of affirmative action, how to create an affirmative action 计划,以及您需要了解的AAP信息.
  • 多样性、公平和包容 - Understand what diversity, equity, and inclusion is and why it is a good thing in 一个组织,当你学会在你的组织中培养包容性.
  • 人力资源决策 - Learn how to make decisions based on various company growth strategies and how to use HRIS Software as well as job analysis as a tool for decision-making.
  • 保留 - Learn the top reasons employees leave a company and how you can encourage them 留下来以及继任计划的重要性. 
  • 招聘和雇用员工 - Understand how to write a job ad that will attract candidates, effectively review résumés, properly prepare for an interview, and formally make a job offer.
  • 培训项目 - Learn the basics of 培训, including the design, development, implementation, 对培训项目进行分析和评估.
  • 创造一个高效的工作场所 - Learn how to ask employees for input and act on it, delegate authority, keep communication open, and continuously ask for feedback as you strive to develop a high-performance 工作场所.
  • 评估和提高员工的绩效 -了解绩效评估的目的和关键要素. 识别 影响绩效评估的最常见的偏见和错误.
  • 远程工作 -了解远程和混合工作的现状. 评估最佳实践 以及远程和混合工作的法律考虑.
  • 工作场所沟通,激励和数字媒体 - Learn the importance and best practices for networking and relationship building. 找出不同的方法来提高员工的积极性.
  • 薪酬及福利 - Understand all the things that must be considered when designing a compensation 福利待遇.  
  • 员工健康与安全 - Learn the ins and outs of complying with OSHA, protecting against 工作场所 hazards, and investigating, recording, and preventing accidents and employee illnesses.  
  • 法律环境 - Gain knowledge of employment law as well as an understanding of equal employment opportunity, avoiding discrimination, and what happens when an employee files an EEOC 索赔.  
  • 员工权利和纪律 - Learn the laws that protect employee rights and privacy and how to properly monitor 记录员工的行为和纪律.
  • 调查 - Learn why it is so important to investigate problems as well as the steps of an effective investigation including preparing, conducting, and wrapping it up.
  • 管理劳动关系 - Get a quick overview of the history of unions as you learn how they work and why 员工也加入其中.
  • 全球人力资源 - Understand the basics of staffing strategy, cultural differences, HR in other countries, 选择全球员工,以及外派人员面临的问题.
  • 准备PHR考试 - Gain information on externships and internships as you review the basics of the PHR考试并开始学习.


本课程100%在线. 随时开始.




安娜•史密斯 has worked in the field of human resources for 30 years and has taught 在大学学习了20多年. 她拥有商学学士学位 administration from Spalding University, a master's degree in management from Webster University, and a Master 在线 Teaching certificate from the University of Illinois. She is also a certified Senior 专业 in Human 资源 and a SHRM Senior Certified 专业. Her experience spans many areas of human resources, including recruitment, 劳资关系,以及平权行动计划.
